Sunday, August 20, 2017

2017 08 20, Sunday (updated)

I woke up tired for lack of food, but also because yesterday night was very foggy and the humidity was bone-penetrating so I couldn't sleep well. I will have to see how I can better deal with the night cold. At least, Alhamdulillah, my right kidney is not hurting anymore. To think of it, aside from my prostatitis issue, maybe subconscious stress had something to do with the kidney pain. Anyway, no big deal.

12h30 : I am at the truck-stop . After washing my face, I lay down some clothes to dry in the sunshine, then I go a few feet away, lean against the wall to try to see if I can ask someone to buy me some food. After a little while, I don't dare asking no one, I just pick up my dry clothes and go  to the WiFi room to write and web surf.

16h : I go back to my camp, with a bit of difficulty as I am weak from being foodless for almost 60 hrs. Once there, I hang some more garbage plastic bags (I hope the truck-stop won't hold it against me on judgement day for helping myself) as a wall around my bed. Then I lay down, listening to some Islamic Meditation stuff then Joel Osteen  (see my YT channel for the playlists 'Islamic Meditation' and 'Have Faith')....until the battery drains out.

If you have Android, a great app that allows you to download YT videos, or only the audio to save battery or have mp3s on your phone, is : SNAPTUBE. I highly recommend it. Maybe there is a version for other OSs.

20h : I go back to the truck stop. Before I go to the WiFi room, I try to see if I can feel comfortable enough by somebody's appearance to ask him/her to buy me something to eat. None. So I just go inside and write/websurf.

21h45 : I take a break while Snaptube is downloading some podcasts for me, and I go stand outside. I ask 3 persons, 1 female then 2 males : all 3 Negative. I am at peace despite being hungry and my fellow humans are indifferent, at least I tried for the sake of Allah primarily. If Allah wished, he would have sent me someone generous without even me asking for anything, like that lady of last Friday at 01h.

23h : I ask a female if she could buy me a sandwich, she replies "No, sorry". I went from not asking anyone, to asking 4 persons in 1 hour : that's improvement !! (lol).

00h05 (Monday) : I was able to take some pouches of honey, mayo and ketchup (my candida is going to be happy, they are starving and forming hyphae !!!). I am going to eat some of them on a bench, brush my teeth then go to bed. At least no rain/thunderstorm in the forecast until Wednesday afternoon.

01h16 (Monday) : I just finished eating like a king. On my way to the bench, I noticed an orphan plastic bag not empty. I took it. It contained one cookie and one 4 oz (113g) apple pie (probably left by one of the bus passengers). Soubhanallah, that's how I was supposed to get my sustenance today. With the pouches I had, everything was delicious. My strength is back, so much so, I could run the marathon and win (lol).

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