Thursday, August 17, 2017

2017 08 12 (1) Friday 23h -> Saturday 07h

Belly full (I stuffed the sandwich and the donuts with mayo. Ketchup jelly...etc. trying to store as much calories for my happy fasting ahead, kind of my last meal !!) and having shaved, I am sitting on a bench inside the center, observing people/zombies coming and going. I count my money. I have .75 cents left and the Pork based cans 'Denver' gave me. I leave the coins on the bench and go outside where it is warmer (cold AC inside).

I felt light, relieved and happy to have $0. now : At least I have tried. NOT SO FAST AMIGO !!! ((lol). While I was standing outside, belly super full, a young black man in his early 20's, asks me about a bus. I spontaneously replied : "ask someone else, I am just the new local hobo". He immediately and spontaneously proposed to buy me a sandwich with insistence while holding the door open. After I refused, he asks me if I would buy food if he gives me whatever cash he has on him. I politely replied : "I appreciate your generosity but I would prefer if you don't". He searches his pockets, came up with $3. and insisted that I take it. I took it, thinking "well, well, well....I am not off the hook yet !!" (lol). I went to the bench and took the .75 cents I left there. Now I have $3.75.

Earlier, I asked for a toasted bagel at 'Dunkin Donuts'. It took a few minutes to prepare. When it was ready, the counter guy called "Toasted Bagel Ready". I took it, went back to my sit. There was an order of hash browns inside, free, with the bagel.

Sometime early Saturday morning (~2h), 2 full buses make a stop here. They are heading to NYC for a weekend of shopping. I just stood on a corner, observing their coming and going. They are feeling so cocky, asking one another stupid unnecessary questions - an old trick of attention seekers - they laugh at their own jokes, assault the driver with even more stupid questions...etc. They are the typical folks totally in love with the system and their rulers.

They pretend not to know what pain and suffering those devils they are hiding behind, are causing to the world. In exchange for their complicity, they are rewarded with a relatively comfortable life (so far). Their hypocrisy and selfishness extend to their spirituality as well, as reminded by the writings on some of their shirt "praising Jesus", because He suffered on the cross for THEIR sins, that is why they pretend to love him, because HE was nailed for THEIR sins (so they think !!!).

I am fully acquainted with their kind. When I used to have them in my taxi, when they ask me if I was in NYC on 9-11, I reply yes and that the official story of 9-11 is a big lie...etc. They immediately start to try to change the subject, look out the window and totally ignore what I was saying...etc. 'Hypocrites' is a too weak word to describe them. They were hoping to recruit me in their world of lies by starting a conversation on 9-11. Wrong guy, parasites.

Another one of their trick to try to raise energy in favor of their devilish masters - aside from going around recruiting people to have them pretend that they believe the official story of 9-11 - is by asking me the name of the new tower at the wtc, so they would have me say "Freedom" tower. I never uttered that disgusting name, I used to simply say that I don't know and that they will be told once I drive them there.

It is incredible the world of hypocrisy we live in, and it is unbelievable the commitment to being fake, phony and a good pretender, some people have made. I think they are responsible too (along with their masters) for making this planet a hellish place, because they willingly lend their energy to the forces of evil and unfortunately they are not a minority. Even those who remain silent and/or indifferent in the face of lies and injustice are in fact lending their energy to the forces of evil, for "he who remains silent is understood to consent". And that include most of my fellow Muslims, with whom I rarely get along with or like their energy.

After the bus left, a female with a pittbul dog comes. I started to interact with the dog and play with him. I always had an intense love for animals and it relaxes me to interact with them, almost like a spiritual experience. Basking in the beautiful energy of the dog, I remembered my 4 cats left behind, so I had to walk a few feet away to cry.

As it started raining, I went and sat on a bench waiting for daylight before I head to my camp. I did some more crying remembering the vicious non-stop putting-down soul-mangling  I had to endure by my father. Alhamdulillah, crying is like a release valve and Alhamdulillah nothing is to last forever.

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